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Wednesday, December 17

Day 44- crazy Tuesday evening!

It was a sudden plan to go U-Lek for an evening tea break after work. =X However, i had dinner there due too extreme hunger. Haha! =D Prawn meeeeee... yummy!
To cut my story short, i just wanna share a crazy experience what UCSIx7 did. Around 6.45pm, there was a heavy traffic along the main road. We were stucked nearby the main road junctions. Both of our cars were following front and back and I was at the passenger seat in SokeLing's car.
While waiting for the jam, HonChin dashed out of HuiRu's car and pulled SokeLing's car wiper. It happened within split second. @____________@" Hahaahahahha! It caught the eyes of all the drivers around our cars. @_@" Especially the motorcyclists which were right beside us. Hahahhahaha! Real fun and crazy! All of us laughed like crazy. We could see HuiRu's car was vibrating coz all of them were laughing so hard. =D In the end, they got back to my house to put it back for SokeLing. Sot man!
SL's wiper. =_=" HuiRu's car was right in front. haha!

Before this, we actually thought of making up a "Get-out-of-car quarrel scene" for few seconds and exchange car seat to see what's the reaction of the drivers while traffic jam. But we're not daring enought YET. It will happen one day. Haha! We must play while we're still young. Psychology students are psyched somehow.

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