Click Click Click

Sunday, February 4


never ever go out at wee hour... =.=... ya.. this is the best advise from parents.. as well as me... but then... :) rules are meant to be bent... *wink*...
today... we went to mamak around 1am... as we ate... some motorbikes and cars passed us by... with all the monoxide, all sort of carbon-carbon... addition of pepper and salt to our food... mei and zy tried to cover them with body and hands.. ahhaha~ very cartoony ^^... okie.. this is not the main point.. the point is.. there were lots of gangsters i guess.. with tattoos and walkie-talkie... omg... i guess.. once u said the wrong word, u'll be smacked by them in any second... okie...then u'll go weeee.e.e.e..
then... on the main road.. we thought there's a car racing "campaign" going on... coz those bad ppl always hang out at night... with those big big exosts... and they drove as if they are running out of time to hell.... *one step closer to the heaven* then we saw a lot of rela policemen... who were SO RELA until they stopped by 24hours mCdOnald... i guess... cheras is indeed a polluted place.... omg... and the most cutie situation is... there are lot of ppl, motorbikes, cars tonight... big family, bunch of friends, bunch of motorists.... all the nighty catsSss hanging out in the midnight/ or i can say... morning??... ahhahha~ :)
so many illegal news can happen in a day.... with all the migrated international students... the situation is even worse and disastrous... sigh.. recently... there're few rape cases happened outside school compound.. sounds really scary... guess... we all, girls should always stay alert and let the guys accompany u back if possible... ^^...
what i am going to say is.......
be considerate...
treasure our lives...
u'll nv know what will it be the next day...


Rui Shuang said...

hm..ya..true..we wont knowwhat is goin to happen to us the very next better be careful..and sn ar..u also dun go out so often at night..hehe =P

sHanNa said...

heeehe~ okie.......
i'll go out with my friends... not alone.. i also scared...
we have taekwondo black belt ppl in the house.. ehhehe~ :)
we'll be extra careful.... ^^