due to a CD problem.. zy and hk went back to night market for a change with motor and ended up with the rear tyre punctured~ =.= so..Mei and i drove to the petrol station and gv them the accesories to repair...^^... the petrol station is just only opposite the main road of our house... however.. it took us almost half an hour to reach there.. omg.. =.= traffic jam.. damn...
and now we realise that... changing a tyre isn't an easy task at all... maybe they jz lack of experience.. needless to say the girls, like us... hahaha! we jz gv them moral support and shouted jia you jia you! ahhahahha! =.= and... guess what? this took us almost 2 hours... =.= omg..
then later on... we thought it's done... BUT! haha! tata! the new inner tyre still in air leaking condition which we donno why... therefore.. after so much of hard work... so much of sweat and encouragement.... it's still considered zero.. haha! *sob* zY is the lightest among all... so.. he rode the motor back home and i backed him with car... *for ur information, there're quite some distance to reach home ya*.. hahaha~ after the U-turn and traffic lights..we stopped for a while and ANOTHER news popped out! The car's temperature was risen to "H" and red....... oooohhhhooooo.... getting more and more interesting isn't it?? haha! and now.. the car's water is leaking... gosh... two "good news" at once... luckily it was at night but not tmr when we go to school.. hahaha! :)
AND! our laundry brush has dropped between the roof of the house while hanging the clothes JUST NOW.... =.=
what da heck??? what's wrong with the house?
more prayers are needed... ahhaha! =)
here are some pictures :
there you go~~~~
two little boys happily taking pic eventhough the tyre punctured..
??? what's wrong with it leh???
omg! where's the tyre??? disappeared??
splashing water to the heaty engine... panas betul!
p/s: didn't manage to snap the picture of that little pity brush of ours
omg.... so late ady... nitez... we'll be having morning class together... die... who wanna wake up first?
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