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Saturday, August 18

*chili crap*, anyone?

well... feel like writing some crapz here.
hmmm.... well... it's not bout crapz... it's like... erm... a self reflection after a year of psychology journey. Time flies~ and after this final exam, i'll be second year student. Anticipated. Scary. Looking forward. These are the three main feelings.
After some revision of final, i came to a realisation that...we, human, use a lot of defense mechanism in life. Haha~ That's true. Human will always deny on something which we feel it's harmful or bad to us. And... i AGREE no more with it. Coz sometimes, i'm someone like that as well. -_-" who doesn't? Defense mechanism is actually a method of reducing anxiety by distorting the reality to satisfy our id and superego. We have myriad of ways to defend ourselves. 4 major types are repression, regression, intellectualization and denial. For me, i think i'm more to rationalization which isn't the main type whereby i substitute something socially acceptable reasons for the unacceptable ones. Ya. Call me an alien and a wizard at the same time. Haha~ *not funny*- i like cold jokes.
Anyway, hehehehe~ =[) hehehehehe~ =)
okie... i'm nuts. i donno what to write now.
Erm... oh.. ya... i think i AM studying the RIGHT course. =) Coz i just lurve it despite of reading too much and thinking too much, but i somehow feel that psychology is something which really portrays a person's life, thoughts and opinion. I like to get in touch with ppl and to know human a little bit more. So... i bet, second year will be a more challenging year ahead. Hehe~ =) Here i come! yeah! -_-" *for ur information, i'm having finals on monday and i'm still crapping here like s***! weeeeeeeeee! i'm so dead*
So long, ppl!
=) tata!
see?? i'm blogging instead of revising. It's a defence mechanism as well.
Denial-protecting oneself from an unpleasant reality(exam is approaching) by refusing to perceive it(to study right now).
Haha! =p
i'm smart!
ya right shan na........................


Rui Shuang said...

im so happy for you that u think you have choosen the right course. And i do think it is REALLY SUITABLE for it up yah! =)

sHanNa said...

^^" hmmmm... u'll be able to choose ur path one day as well.... gambateh! =)

aNgElINe^mE said...

i like tis~hehe..very true....i prefer denial~hehe....

sHanNa said...


everyone is having denial defense mechanism... =)
hehehehehhe~ =) all the best to you~ have a nice day~

michelle said...

:) i'm happy for you! gambateh! i'm starting year two on monday :P (still indulging myself in what's left of the holidays-with peanut M&M's!!)

rachaeL- said...

first time i heard repression after 20 years.. haha
hey, im bek! wanna blog again.. drop by anytime when ya free .. =)