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Friday, September 28

Happy Birthday, YueTian~ =)

Hehehe~ today(thurs) is Yue Tian's bday~ =) we celebrated her b'day at Aunt Nat's Restaurant which is situated outside Midvalley~ =) nice place, romantic and homey atmosphere for friends to hang out~ =) cool~ and i bet YT was very happy with the celebration because she always give me a sense of appreciation towards everything she receives from friends.
Well, YueTian is from China and she's a really friendly person~ =) i think everyone likes her... despite of her slank sometimes coz i can't really understand, but everything is fine in her...^^... she likes to sweat a lot... haha! -_-"" <--like this~ =) hehehhe! and today we had linguistic match over the countries whereby she taught us something new from her country while we, the cheeky us, taught her something bad (language) from our culture. Haha! Laughters were scattered all around the restaurant. ^^" Great! It was really an enjoyable experience to celeb b'day with other friends of mine. Sometimes, u gotta be initiative in cultivating relationships between ppl around u. ^^" good! ^^ I hope we have tonnes of programme to enjoy after this~ =) *bonding* is crucial~ yeah...

Pics time!
see how excited was kerhuey...
found a mouse while shopping for ytian's b'day present~
and these two aunties(keei and waiteng) were too tired...
30% man! anybody wanna buy them? haha!^^
b'day cake
mango yogurt~ seriously, it wasn't that delicious~
blame me ppl~ my foul choice~sorry...
wish making session
the candles are berbara-bara~
me and the b'day girl
the girls~
the group pic~
kesian chloe's bf to take pics for us~ ^^"
this pic is very homey~ =)


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