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Tuesday, October 28

2nd Internship- Day 1

Waking up as early as 6am killed me. So reluctant to drag myself out from bed. =X Internship started today. Thought it will be very excited but i haven't fine tuned my holiday mode yet. So, yea... =_="
First day. Well, it wasn't that terrible... started to work and i've been out for about 12 hours! Travelling across Selangor. =_=" It was exhausted. All of us (trainers) were sent to the school for morning session and other respective schools for evening session to conduct workshop activities. Managed to get to two primary schools and got in touch with kiddos. *noise pollution* I guess, i am not suitable to be placed with kids. =_____=" Hahaa~ way to go man! *yawn* Kids learned Science today- inersia, friction of air, balancing and gravity through interactive artwork with recycled items. *Environmental friendly!* weeeeeee! =x
What i can say is... there's whole lot different environment, people and situation to be learned in this internship. I neither love it nor hate it. To me, education is all about teaching, patience and love but i couldn't really see it from my first sight. Therefore, this job is not love at first sight thingy for me. Haha! And now, i shall begin to countdown towards the end of my internship. As usual, i will keep my finger crossed and to love my internship as much as possible so that i can fully enjoy these two months without wasting effort and experience.
Suddenly i rmb what my lecturer and teachers have said. Being an educationist is not easy and it's not one day job. It needs effort, it needs time and patience, most importantly, it needs love. If you were to think education is a profit making business, you can succeed by all means but students are not going to have privilege in this, ESPECIALLY the younger generation whereby moral deterioration is getting worse and worse each day. Maybe i am still not used to this reality world whereby $ is everything. I need to master that somehow in few years time.
So long, peeps!
Have a good day!
is another long day tomorrow...

1 comment:

shinobikit said...

Hell ya... KIDS ARE EVIL!!!!!!