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Monday, March 29


This evening, as i paced my steps up above the hill for my car, i was thinking to myself. A super deep introspection inside out. What have i done today?

It got me thinking. Really. I feel, at some point in time, we're ought to make a difference in our every day life. Live like there's no tomorrow. I really think this phrase is accurately built. Each day, we create and discover something new. We make a difference in others' lives too. Sometimes, a lil insignificant matter can mean a lot. Really it will mean a lot, eventhough that person doesn't tell it out loud. Just like how others made my day. It means so much for me.

Living on this earth, standing on this firm ground, we need each other. Let's take my job for example. A production of a bulletin needs not just my unit, but also the editorial board, the designer and writers. If anyone of us stops, the whole process will be delayed. Thus, it has clearly shown that we need each other. :)

this picture portrays the well defined colour of black and white.
but it neglects the grey colour which people tend to forget
we're too blinded by what's wrong and what's right
and we always forget how to fix the wrong and how to improve the right.
It got me thinking deep on other matters arose. I just couldn't understand and prevailed upon what i've heard. A brother actually rejected his own sis for bringing her for a doc when she's sick. I cannot believe my ears for that. The sound wave just couldn't get into my ear drums and interpret in my brain. What a self-centered brother he is! I CANNOT TAKE IT. Someone we've been respecting since young. After so many years, what have you shown to us? Have you know of any word that spelled "kinship"? I don't know. At times, I really hate myself, for listening so much of these but i couldn't help and make a jump start from somewhere =(
I am thinking to myself, what have our culture and religion taught us? When we believe in our religion, this shouldn't be happening. Thus, i really do not know how to believe. Where's my leap of faith on it? I am disappointed over this matter. Like... super? I can't even imagine myself for calling him or imagining him. Please. Go away. We're good enough. I thought forgiveness is the best virtue but towards people as such, I choose to be an insensible one for once.

People, don't ever try this to your family. It's really a big sin. He's just so blinded by self and more self and never recalled all the help received in the past. I believe in karma. I cannot believe what selfishness can turn a person to be. Siblings are to be loved and cared. God, please forgive those who creates sin against us. amen.

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