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Wednesday, August 31

2 Samuel 12

Last Sunday service was refreshing. It talked about how David failed as a king and how he repented to God. I find this verse interesting. 2 Samuel 12: 4
"Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him."

I find this verse is so applicable in this modern era. The selfishness of man that always refrain one's to do something good. I had a relative who asked my parents to "try" to use the broken machine. The relative knew it's gonna break down soon and yet he still insisted them to try. In the end, the machine spoiled and they asked my parents to throw it on their own. This incident is vividly showing the selfishness of the men. Sometimes, out of the good will of people, we wanna help, but how does the world consist of people like this? It's like making use of your relative that has blood relation? o_O" this kinda extended family, i'll choose not to be bothered.

Pastor Daniel shared an analogy with us on Sunday- "The experiences of the chair". That chair resembles a few things in life: 1. The way we brought up; 2. The work life we have; 3. The church.

When we were young, we sat on the "chair" that's placed by family. Some family used to compare with us and somebody, some don't. Some always fight, some were peaceful and harmonious. What kind of family are you coming from? :) Family culture is very pivotal. It affects us in long term basis.

The 2nd "chair" would be the career. If u're coming from the type of family that always compare you with others; when you're a leader in the organization, u'll tend to give less compliment to your subordinates but more criticism and comparisons.

The 3rd "chair" would be in church. You might think that this is not good, that's not perfect, so, you hop and hop to many many churches. In fact, church has only one purpose- to worship and serve the only God with your heart.

I find these few stories have such a good linkage in life. The first chair is so important. We can determine the next generation with God's help. Thus, we ought to choose the values and cultures that are healthy and positive to create a better world.


Anonymous said...

Who treated our parents that way?


sHanNa said...

i thot u knew? @_@