jz take today as an example... we're supposed to gv another surprise to a friend but then she couldn't make it... and therefore we went to the other place. And then, chatted quite a lot with yoketeng and kenneth. ^^ hmm... i guess this is another gain? hmmm... *wondering*... or am i consoling myself? Hmmm.. i don't think so because we had a vr healthy chat. Heheh~ *healthy*... yes~
it's quite difficult to get friends who really go into deep talking. Few days ago, i rea
d a senior's blog and she was counting the friends she had. Are they jz hi-bye friends or really true friends? As i look back and think to myself, i can hardly count that i have many friends who can actually do the talking. I mean, a serious talk. Sometimes, i feel that i have lotsa friends and i realised that we also have lots of meaningless conversations. *i'm not saying that meaningless conv is bad, don't get misunderstood.* But then again., come to think of it, i really can't recall back what/when was the serious talk/heart pouring i had with my friends. Therefore, i am indeed very gay to talk with friends who are willing to share their thoughts and views. On me, on things or on any event. ^^ And today i knew that i am an impatient girl to some extent :/ BUT! i'm happy that my friends are willing to tell me the truth. It's like an affirmation session. I'm really happy. *although i'm impatient* hahaha! :)
However, i do appreciate those who are willing to talk crap with me because i am the one who initiate crap-talk sometimes. So, i do need to reflect what i've done so far. Am i jz a hi-bye friend to others as well? hmmmmmmmmmm....
My thought of the day:
"When we choose to have any r'ships with someone else, do hold that person close in our hearts. We might wake up one day and realise that we've lost a diamond while we're too busy collecting the stones..."
i like ur diamond n stone thought... hehe... nice... n very true as well....
u yeah... u r defintely my diamond... probably the most expensive one..haha...
hahaha~ :) thanks...
and u're one of my diamonds too! Miss u dear~ ^^
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