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Thursday, July 5


A balance should be achieved no matter what we do. Same goes to parents and children. Today i had a very meaningful lifespan development lecture. ^^ We all were discussing how to deal with the conflicts btw both parties in a family. BN vs. PAS. Haha! No lar~~~ ^^ jkjk~ In fact, family nowadays really have lotsa conflicts or arguements between the children and parents. Hmmm... porky said, we can't always blame the parents for not taking care of the child, but children must also understand parents' situation. Yes. I agree with it. ^^ Sometimes, kids are jz too rebellious until parents o.O" They are jz too smart. Whose fault now? must be the milk powder! Luckily, my family achieves a balance in btw.Because during our time, my milk powder was jz a normal one for kids. Haha. I'm lucky enuff to have a considerate family. Although we went through a lot of huuuh-haaah in the family when i was a teenager, but i bet it has tighten our kinship indirectly. Whatever it is, honesty is very crucial. Hmmm... don't lie to our parents *but sometimes white lies do help* *muahahaha* Always know the boundary behind a lie. That's very important.
I sms'ed my sis and told her what i've learnt in class. I asked her to be more understanding and clear the gap between she and my mum. Due do the sama-sama characteristics they posses, they tend to fight. I mean, argue... hahah! So, sis, if u're reading this, please take my sms seriously. Family is very very important to us. You'll understand it one day. Believe me. ^^ Now, u're undergo this stage of life when everyone has gone through. So, be more tolerant. ^^" U promise me u'll do it. So, let's jz go with the flow, okie? ^^ Hohoho~ i know u love mum and dad just as i do. ^^ Weeeeee! When u're out of the house and pursue ur studies, u'll have more homesick than me. Hahaha~ And....i'm having homesick now man! Miss u guys much!
All in all, to me, family and friends always come first. Cherish and appreciate what u have now. Because u'll nv knew when ur loved ones will be poooof one day. *touch wood*

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