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Wednesday, April 15

Raw and Warm

Yes. Raw is for Sushi.
To begin with, Sushi King led our day as brunch due to its' membership day. RM2 per plate. =X This is the 2nd time i had sushi for my entire 23 years, i am trying to adapt its' flavors and whatnot. ^^ It was still ok for me today. :)
In the end: 39 plates for our tables. *burp*
This pic is just part of the 39s. -.-"
Customer flow was too heavy, they kept on collecting back the plates for cleaning i guess. Hehe! We could only dine in for 45 minutes. *Sweat*
Thought i could snap the stacking-up-tall plates. =S
Quoted from Omer, "Shan Na is watching the fish swiming by."

Next, the highlight of the day!
Yes. Warm is for this movie. The day has finally arrived! "TALENTIME" as our afternoon showtime! :) A production of Yasmin Ahmad, the famous local director of Sepet, offered her 6th movie. Talentime is a tale about high school talent competition. It's about student-teacher, family-family. It was humorous, at the same time, heart-rending. I was touched by her story with kinship and friendships. Everyone broke into tears- the tears of joys and sadness.
I love her production because it always discovers the truth of Malaysia. As Malaysian, we always interact with different people. It never hide the beautiful side or the ugly side of us. It is always about the races and religion. This time round, she features an indian and a malay family (which she always do in every of her movie, to mix all the races together as one). People judge her productions which bring misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Well, i guess, we need to take it open-mindedly. Everyone is equal in her eye i guess. Language used: Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil. How harmonious! I enjoyed this movie a lot a lot. :) It's the best of all so far for this year. =) It damped my eyes. *love it*
Discrimination should not happen. *shaking my head* We could live better than we thought. :)


yH said...

u nv wan to eat sushi with me. heng~

na- said...

coz we have better option to eat~ :) like... pancake? =D