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Thursday, June 4


This is a contradiction to my previous post. =X

No one denies that communication is the best tool in bonding everyone together. However, at times, society is stereotyping human being. Let's see.

When a person feels like sharing more, they tend to say, "Hey, you're too over and showing off everything you have." Why can't people accept others are having something extra than our own self? Again, it depends. Different people have different level of acceptance. No generalization. Hmmm.

OR... or... if a person shares some feelings of disturbance and you're claiming that he/she is pleading for sympathy. Crap. Never judge a person such way until you fully understand the situation. No one is perfect. Life is filled with ups and downs. Happy go lucky does have some expiry dates. Hehe! :)

Listened over the radio station, saying that, women are complicated. But guess what the DJ said? DJ happened to be a female. Quoted from her "Serve us right because women always make simple things complicated but there's always men to neutralise it." It's just sound so... ugh! Right! :) Or else, why do men and women exist together? =)

Still keeping the culture of SMCC, "Sharing and Caring is Our Way of Life". Forgo the negative ones, emphasize the positive sides. Break the barrier! :)

1 comment:

Christopher Hor said...

Don't kena Ms V poison after attend the philo class ler...nanti i jumpa u kat hospital pulak. haha. being diagnosed as bipolar :P keke. jk.

Back to the basic problem of communication....

its actually just between male and

Male can understand male easier, so do women can understand women easier...but when it come to different know i know la. haha.

So your previous post asked that why no one tried to fix it? The answer could be no one has the resolution? Maybe? hahaha...who knows.