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Friday, May 14

Know your Life Purpose by Keep Improving!

Reading can be very sedative sometimes. It soothes you with a good night sleep. Apparently. i was reading these few nights and i was so enlightened with some of the possible happenings in our lives, be it as a leader or the team player. Reading is very healthy. It triggers your thoughts and your past.
So, what's with the reading outcome?
Hmmm. That chapter was about knowing your purpose in life as a leader. "I will ask questions, seek answers, and knock on all doors until i am confident that we're pursuing the right purpose." This verse ponders me. I am on the track of pursuing my dream yet i am only paying 60% effort of the above statement.
It is so crucial for us to have:
-A purpose will motivate us.
-A purpose that keeps us set our priorities straight.
-A purpose to develop our potential.
-A purpose that gives us the power to live in the present.
-A purpose that evaluate our progress.
We all live in a society with destination disease so called. Often, we want to do enough to "arrive" and then we want to retire. This is true yet concise. We have been living in the world of achieving the goals, striving for personal gains, topping up with more marketable characteristics to fit into the norm of staying as a student, an employee or an employer. Everyone is looking for a quick fix, but what we really want is the fitness.
"People who look for fixes stop doing what's right when pressure is relieved whereas for those who pursue fitness do what they should no matter what the circumstances are." I'm kinda agree with it. It is so evident in a lot of fields. Let's just take student event as an example. It's forever a short term impact. You wanted good number of participations, in fact, how many individual actually we can touch on? I've told to myself, i do not want to be a touch-n-go card to people around me. I would go for the experience which are educational, developmental and valuable. :) We can't always count. We just can't count. It is not the figure that wins, it is the value that you've instilled.
From now on, let's just strive our best, in spreading your positive values to everyone. It's really a great beginning to start off, do not underestimate each of our effort in doing so. :) Best wishes, from Nana! :) Remember, we are somebody to anyone around us.

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